Interview schedule for CGGB JM-I Officer & Office Assistant vacancies

Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank has released the name of shortlisted candidates for interview and interview schedule for the recruitment of Junior Management Scale-I & Office assistant (Multipurpose).

The official notification had been published in December, 2012. The list of shortlisted candidates has been made on the basis of merit in IBPS RRB CWE 2012.

To see the list of candidates shortlisted for interview in CGGB Junior Management Scale-I officer and office assistant recruitment 2012 and their date, time of interview, visit the given link-

The interview for Office Assistant (Multipurpose) post will be conducted from 16.01.2013 to 18.01.2013 and the interview for Junior Management Scale-I Officer will be on 19.01.2013. The address of interview venue where interview for both posts will be held is given below-
Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank, Head Office,
Raghu Mansion, 4/1, Brodipet,
Guntur – 522 002.

The interview call letter has already been sent to mailing address of the candidates by register post. All shortlisted candidates are requested to follow the necessary instructions and important documents that should be produced at the time of interview.

Read about Tips to get success in interview.

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