Have appeared for IBPS PO/MT-II common interview? IBPS has decided to conduct a common interview for the recruitment of Probationary Officer/Management Trainee in 20 public sector banks. In previous year, the interview was conducted by the respective banks. This year this system has been changed.
The candidates will be called for interview based on the merit in IBPS PO/MT CWE 2012 held in June, 2012. The result of written test had been published in the month of October.
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The IBPS PO/MT common interview has started from 14.01.2013 and will go on till first week of February. The result of IBPS PO/MT-II common interview will be published in the mid of February, 2012. We have got some IBPS PO/MT-II common interview questions which are asked by the interviewers from the candidates who have appeared for yesterday's common interview. We have shared some of those questions below.
The candidates will be called for interview based on the merit in IBPS PO/MT CWE 2012 held in June, 2012. The result of written test had been published in the month of October.
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The IBPS PO/MT common interview has started from 14.01.2013 and will go on till first week of February. The result of IBPS PO/MT-II common interview will be published in the mid of February, 2012. We have got some IBPS PO/MT-II common interview questions which are asked by the interviewers from the candidates who have appeared for yesterday's common interview. We have shared some of those questions below.
Questions asked in IBPS PO/MT-II Common Interview
- First started with self introductions like educational backfround etc.
- Full form of some terms such as UID, FICCI, SEBI, SIDBI etc.
- Why do you want to banking industry?
- Are you prepared yourself to serve anywhere in India?
- Asked about some personalities like chairperson of Planning Commission, chairperson of women commission, newly appointed chairman of Tata Industry, Mr. Cyrus Mistry etc.
- Difference between company & partnership.
- If anyone is doing job at present, then work experience of present job, nature of jobs. etc.
Candidates have been asked to produce necessary documents like NOC, Bio-Data etc during the interview. So, never forget to bring those relevant documents with you.
If anyone faced PO/MT common interview and has been asked some other questions, share with other aspirants. Let's start a IBPS PO_II common interview experience.
Read out about How to face IBPS Common Interview.
