Scores/Marks of IBPS Clerk-III 2013 exam released

Waiting for IBPS clerk-III scores? IBPS has today published the marks obtained by the candidates in Clerk CWE-III online exam 2013 held in November/December 2013. The result of IBPS clerk-III exam was declared on 31st December, 2013. Now after 10 days they have released the marks. This year around 99000 candidates have been shortlisted for interview for only 33000 clerk vacancies.

To view the marks of IBPS clerk-III online exam 2013, visit the following link and put your IBPS Reg. No. (OR) Roll No. (AND) Password (OR) Date of Birth-

Don't forget to share your IBPS clerk-III marks with category here as comments.

Check here the notification regarding IBPS Clerk-III Common Interview.

We will publish soon the category-wise and sectional cutoff marks of IBPS clerk-III exam.


  1. 116 ap obs ctgry...any chance of final selection

    1. what is the cut off??

    2. 111 sir from ap,,and also sir when compared to others states why the cuttoff of ap highest sir,,i cld nt nderstand

    3. 111 sir,,i have only hopes on this sir,,shall i prepare for the interview or not sir

    4. Sorry to say that you have asked a very silly question! Whenever you have been shortlisted for interview, then utilize the opportunity. Interview is a game changer. Prepare like 'Do or Die'. Whatever the marks be, you should give your 100% in the interview. Many candidates who got very low marks in CWE-II 2012 exam, asked us what to do. We suggested to be prepared well for the interview and some of them got final allotment. So, don't be pessimist, always try to be optimist. And you will achieve your goal.

  2. my score is 82
    category SC
    state gujarat
    any chance for final selection

    1. your chances are good prepare well for interview...

  3. 82 in tamilnadu obc catgry.... can i get chance?????

  4. 82 in tamilnadu obc... can i get chance????

  5. 75 MS OBC shall i prepare for interview?

  6. 110 tamilnadu obc category....

  7. how many OC candidates are appeared in ibps clerk III nov-dec 2013? can i get the answer?

  8. what is cut-off marks of written exam for general category

    1. it is different for each state...below are GEN cut off of some states...
      1. AP - 111
      2. Gujarat - 66
      3. Karnataka - 63
      4. Assam - 67
      5. WB - 105
      6. UP - 101
      7. Kerala - 109
      8. Odisha - 110
      9. TN - 80
      10. Rajasthan - 98

  9. no chance without luck of anyone

  10. those who have 25 marks diff between cut off and obtained score has 80% chances to get job if they just clear the interview with 50 marks.....others like me work relly hard...

  11. iam obc ex-service scored 83 at kerala any chance for getting through

  12. Kerala state...General category.. score 128.. Any chance for selection??

  13. I am a GENERAL category candidate from KERALA.. My score is 128.. Any chance for final selection?

  14. my score is 135
    category OBC
    state BIHAR
    CUT OFF 109
    any chance for final selection

  15. My score is 102, Kerala, EXMN gen. have any chance?

  16. My Score IBPS cwe clerk III 2013 is 76 from MAHARASHTRA in OBC category whereas the cutoff for the state is 70 How much marks required in interview to get selected ? What is chance of selection ?

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. 106 gen from up what are my chance

  19. Sir i got 91 marks and cut off is 70 marks...i am from maharashtra and belongs to gen. Catagory..
    .sir plz telll me min. Marks required in interview to get selection in top 5 bank according to my preferance...plz reply soon...thank u in advance...

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. My score is 86 sc category from maharashtra are there any chances pls lemme knw..

  22. state -gujarat
    cutoff -66
    my score -94
    any chance for final selection for general category

  23. i m from gujarat.......cutoff 66
    my general category
    score 94
    what is t chance for allotment

    1. You have very good was interview?

  24. sir what is meant by creamy layer?who come under creamy layer?

  25. sir what is meant by creamy layer?who come under creamy layer?
    my father is a govt.junior lecturer but not a gazited officer and he is not come under scale 1,scale 2 posts but annual income is more than 6 i come under creamy layer?

  26. sir what is meant by creamy layer?who come under creamy layer

  27. sir..i m from gujarat...cut off 47
    my category is ST
    my score is ..52
    what is my chances for allotment

  28. i m from gujarat
    cut off is 47
    my score is 52
    my category is ST
    what is my chances for allotment

  29. sir i got 93 marks from UP and cut off is 82 for SC. what are my chances ?

  30. sir i got 93 marks and cut off for SC is 82. what are my chances?

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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