IBPS Clerk-III Common Interview Experience of Pratik

Here we are going to publish IBPS clerk-III common interview experience of Mr. Pratik Gajbhiye. Read out Pratik's complete  IBPS clerk-III interview experience.

Hi friends. My interview was over.
It takes only 5 to 6 min..
IN one word its Awesome. I answered all questions expect one question (it is actually long form of.

The question asked.....

1) Introduction...
2) Job experience....
3) Why you resign from last job?
4) Hobbies?

I answered Writing letters to editor....they ask me why is it ur hobby & why u write letters to editor?..in which news paper? (I answered confidently...)

5) They ask me about my MBA subjects (guys well prepare your graduation subjects, their meaning & what does it mean.etc.)

6)What is the job of financial manager ?

7) If u will become financial manager then how you will manage banking ?

8) How you will utilize your experience & qualification in the banking ?

9) What is meant by break even point ?

10) And last they ask what will u do for the customers of bank after joining clerk ?means how you satisfied them ?

Last they wish me for my future.

So friends don't go too much deep & try to develop ur personal questions & show them ur confidence. All other canditates takes 10 to 15 minutes. But as I answered to the point. and my interview over in just 6 min.
So best of luck for all aspirants. Go with confidence & try to response to all questions.

Thanks Mr. Pratik Gajbhiye for sharing your interview experience with us! We wish Good Luck for your result!

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 photo hand.gifRead out more interview experience of candidates appeared in IBPS clerk-III common interview here.

1 comment:

  1. Do they fail anyone in interview or not? Bcoz I gave 2 wrong answers.


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